Submitted manuscripts are evaluated for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship, or political ideology.
Papers may be submitted at any time. Suggestions of thematic issues are welcome, with external coordinators who already have a set of proposals.
FJRS has no submission or processing fees.
Language: (British) English.
Submission: The manuscript should be in Microsoft Word format AND as PDF and submitted as an attachment to both Paul Nanu (paul.nanu@utu.fi) and Emilia IvancuĀ (emilia.z.ivancu@gmail.com), to reduce the occurrence of technical errors.
Length: usually 3000-8000 words.
Fonts: Times New Roman 12 (TNR)
Line spacing: 1 (single)
Name of the author(s), affiliation and contact details: under the title.
Please remember that each submission must be accompanied by a separate short biographical note on the author(s).
Copyright & publishing agreement: Please download, fill-in, sign and send us this publishing and copyright agreement form
Abstract: 250-300 words, in English.
Keywords: 5, under the abstract, in English.
Citations: integrated into the text, placed between quotation marks (see below). Preferably, excessively long citations are to be avoided.
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